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Classic Monsters

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The Mummy

The Wolfman


First Look: ‘Penny Dreadful’

This is the most promising trailer I've seen in a very long time, and I'm beside myself waiting for this delicious mashup of the setting and time period that created "Frankenstein," "Dracula," and "The Picture of Dorian Grey." "Penny Dreadful" is set to premiere on...

First Look: ‘Nurse 3D’

Sigh. I try not be the old fuddy duddy, but as a career nurse, I can't help but ask... really? REALLY? Dear men of the world: I can assure you there is nothing -- and I mean NOTHING -- sexy about being a nurse. But hey, you won't believe me anyway, so here it is guys:...

Retro Cinema: Christmas Evil

I love cheesy horror as much as anybody, especially when you tie into something held sacred by so many, like Christmas. Usually, these films are done with the sort of sly wink from the filmmaker to acknowledge that it's all meant to be silly fun. Unfortunately, I...

Dario Argento’s Dracula 3D trailer and stills!

Count Dracula returns to the big screen again, but this time in 3D... and with horror legend Dario Argento at the helm.  The director, know for his giallo-style horror, also directs daughter Asia Argento as Lucy. IFC Midnight will release the film in theaters,  View...

First look: Dark Touch trailer

Independent filmmakers + moody horror = creepy, innovative films courtesy of IFC midnight. Their latest release, "Dark Touch," opens in theaters September 27, as well as being available on video on demand, SundanceNow and iTunes. The film was an official selection at...

Supernatural gag reel, DVD release 9/10

As if the real show isn't funny enough, the full gag reel for "Supernatural" Season 8 dropped this week, and you can see it now before buying the DVD September 10. Watch the boys flubbing lines, being silly and falling down... again, and again, and again. And a really...