
The new face of little girls gone bad? See the new trailer for the film “Dark Touch.”

Independent filmmakers + moody horror = creepy, innovative films courtesy of IFC midnight.

Their latest release, “Dark Touch,” opens in theaters September 27, as well as being available on video on demand, SundanceNow and iTunes. The film was an official selection at the Tribeca Film Festival and was directed by French filmmaker Marina De Van, whose previous film credits include “In My Skin.”

In “Dark Touch,” 11-year-old Neve lives in a remote Irish town, and finds herself as the sole survivor of a family massacre that kills her parents and younger brother. The police want to blame it on homicidal vandals. They ignore the young girl’s insistence that is something much darker that killed her family. Something about the house itself.

The trailer also reveals the girl claims that bad things happen when she cries. This looks like it could be a younger, darker version of the popular book and movie “Carrie,” but where “Carrie” played on teen angst at being the outsider, this film looks like it’s going more for supernatural horror in the form of a little girl whose tears can kill.

Or at least that’s what it looks like to me. What do you think?

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